Starting Research: Looking at Building A Successful Non-Technical Open * Community
belkinsa - September 14, 2015 in Communites, News, Open * Communities, Open Science Framework, Planet, Reseach, Update
After a bunch of unsuccessful attempts of trying to get some sort of project going within a Open Science community, I decided to start research on how to build a successful non-technical Open * community. I’m aware that could be just be a matter of time commitment but I still think it be worth it to learn how to build one.
I started a public project on the Open Science Framework. Most of my work done (so far) is in the wiki of the Project. Right now, this plan is the one that I will follow. At the moment, it looks like that I will be focusing on the things that I learned/used/experienced from the Ubuntu Community, but it may expend into other topics.
I’m also planning to use Open Undergrad Research Foundation (OpenURF) to set up a experiment to see which tools are needed and how to use them. But that will be later as the sever guy haven’t e-mail me back.
I will be using my blog for updates.
Afterthought: I really think it may be just be a matter of time commitment or not enough drivers. If that is the case, then I will start new research on how to fix that, if possible.