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Introducing “The Sense of Openness”

- April 24, 2015 in Blog Related, News, Planet, Ubuntu

As I said in this post, I renamed “The Ubuntu Sense”, to (drum roll please) to “The Sense of Openness”. I started with voluteering in the Ubuntu in July 2013 and within six months, I recieved my Ubuntu Memebership. But I started to extend invoulment into Open Science, since I’m a biologist. I noticed that I started to post/talk about non-Ubuntu things on my everything-Ubuntu-related blog and decided to open up a “new” (I imported my old one) one that emcompasses everything that is Open * related. Also, I’m keeping the “sense” theme.

To accomplish this, before exporting the old content from the old blog, I organized the categories into six main ones (that may change, as I have some that I’m not sure of) and within the categories, I have sub-categories that relate to the groups that I’m in (Ubuntu Women in Ubuntu and Center of Open Science in Open Science are two examples). This will allow me to only use categories for RSS feeds for the Planets in order to stay on topic.

Also, I broke down my “About” page into three pages, one that explains who I am, one for FOSS, and one for Open Science.  These pages will explain what the topic is, what groups that I am in, and what roles, that I take up, in those groups are.  These pages will act like my “resume” because I want to show the world what I have done within the communities and my skills, as it’s scattered around the web.

I want to thank Rafael Laguna for creating me the logos (wordless and with words) below:

logo2 logo